Space Weather on 13 February 2025, 08:25 UTC

SN 87 | SFI 166 | Kp 4 | Ap 14 | Kt 5 | At 28 | Bz -3.8 | Dst -44 | XRY 1.00 | Pf 0.2 | SW 448

Sunspot Numbers for VOACAP

The SSN source of (near-)current sunspot numbers to be used with VOACAP: SIDC (Belgium).

Real-Time K-Index

A 3-hourly index of geomagnetic activity expressed in the logarithmic units on a scale from 0 to 9.

Source: (Tromso Geophysical Observatory)

Magnetogram: State of Earth's Magnetic Field

Variations in Earth's magnetic field are measured by magnetometers. Any strong and sudden variations (up or down) in the X component (uppermost graph) are indications of VHF radio-auroral activity (e.g. on 144 MHz when variations suddenly peak, say, 300 nT).


Source: (Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory)

Source:, (Utsjoki/Kevo)

Real-Time Solar Wind

Source: (NOAA, Space Environment Prediction Center)

Solar X-Ray Flux

Class M and X flares affect the sunlit area of the Earth, causing increased D-region absorption. Strong flares are source of Shortwave Fadeouts (SWF) and Sudden Ionospheric Disturbances (SID).

See GOES X-Ray Flux (NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center)

Solar Proton Flux

High-energy protons are guided into the polar cap by Earth's magnetic field. Strong proton bursts are source of Polar Cap Absorption (PCA), i.e. high D-region absorption on paths passing through the polar areas.

See GOES Proton Flux (NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center)
